Eduardo Camillozzi is a multidisciplinary designer exploring procedural and generative design, with a particular interest in digital humans.
Eduardo Camillozzi is a passionate multidisciplinary designer who excels in procedural and generative design. Currently tinkering with 3D printing, exploring the possibilities of creating unique jewelry and accessories. With a keen interest in experimentation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of body adornment. Eduardo is also highly interested in the digital humans area, seeking to create photorrealistic humans through his design work.
3D sculpting tool
3D modeling and animation software
3D modeling and animation software
3D Hard Surface CAD modeling
3D Soft Goods modelling
3D Hard Surface CAD modeling
3D Rendering software
3D Rendering software
3D Rendering software
Role: Designer
Year: 2023
Role: Designer
Year: 2022